Partyline @ the knit 5/30/06
Yay! Partyline! it has been a long time since i have been able to see partyline, i caught them almost by accident a year and ahalf or so ago at kingsland tavern, all i knew was that it included allison from bratmobile and thats really all i needed to know, these ladies kick out the riotgirrrl jams for the new century. Straight outta dc these girls with glasses have released an ep and a 7" split with spider and the webs. The show tonight brought out all that material as well as a handful of new tracks that have the signature allison sound, her voice is unmistakable for sure. They mentioned that they had just layed down most everything for thier new full length due out sometime. The ladies opened up for team dresch's reunion shows. who i caught but unfortunately was rather unfamiliar with, to bad though because there was a lot of fun to bae had. never really do you see such an aggressive punk rock show that is all girls, like the entire crowd, the moshers, the crowd surfers and the stage divers were all of the female persuasion. girls get busy!

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