Sunday, April 09, 2006

Shellshag, poingly, the headset, illuminati, standing nudes & the legendary 10oz @ asterisk 4/1/06

this was a long ass night of bands some good some not so much, but it was better than anything else that was going on that night.
legendary 10 oz was a straight up old school punk act that played mostly covers i wasnt feeling it to much, but then they covered the golden girls theme and i could dig that its always nice to be thanked for being a friend.

standing nudes were next, they are good but i just cant get completely into thier altcountry sound, i think that best fits them. i dunno, most people were here for them.

illuminati was a big collective from god knows where collecting many tastes and styles to make up thier indiepop sound. guitars, stand up basses, violins, cowbells, alternating vocals. it was a lot, but it seemed a bit loose at times, they could definately solidify thier lineup and cut a few people so its less busy, but maybe they dont want to do that, i mean it did work for broken social scene.

the headset are the strokes, they make no bones about it. they sound exactly like the strokes and add nothing new, they just seem to be riding the coattails for some fame.

poingly played his brand of crazy art school crossdressing punk. it is what it is.

shellshag slayed, it was 4am but that didnt matter i couldnt stnad still for shellshag the crowd had dwindled to only diehards, and it was good cause the 20 or so people had a great time. i think these guys are a great 1 2 punch of rock n roll, drums and guitar w dueling vocals is a killer combo. and not only did they rock hard they busted the drum heads again. fucking spectacular.


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