since i been gone (part 1)
Where do i begin to apologize for my disappearence...right here. the truth is i went on vacation for most of august, but then september was speant being lazy, but that dont mean i didnt go to shows, god damn what were you thinking i have actually been super busy show wise what with cmj passing its ass round these parts, so ill go ahead and begin.
-i got back and not more than a few days after that i went to the last kimya show in nyc for a while, she is going on european tour and then moving to seattle but fear not she will be back but not until february, it was at cake shop and it was really dark and intimate and i didnt want to spoil the moment by snapping a pic (a feeling i rarely get), but the bands that opened for her that night were so good i went and saw them the next night...
-@glasshouse gallery i saw kickball and mount gigantic for the second day in a row. both had a very kimya audience friendly sound. but not similar to her in any way kickball was super terrific, they played songs that seemed to me like a mix of jawbreaker and guy sung fugazi, sounds good huh, well they are they have a couple albums but the one i got was huckleberry eater and i recomend you check it out dude! eye candy...

after them it was mount gigantic a band co-fronted by every ones other favorite tobey erin, dont worry matt tobey is back there on the skins. what a brother and sister they are, but there are also like 4 other people, im suprised glasshouse had that many inputs, but they rocked out hard core, some screamy, some slow sombery but all exciting, check out thier cult shirts...

japanther rounded out the show with a really short set, but as always it kicked my ass, but they had something to say as well and that was that the glasshouse made all of them pay to play there and in reality it is thier house and if its supposed to be a house party why isnt it. that made the drummer super mad, and i have since found out about the truth and it is that if you want to have a show there is $450 to rent the space for a night. LAME LAME LAME. whatevs i wont stop seeing people there, i just dont see booking in the near future...

-soon after that show i had a day off and decided to head into the old washington square park and what day does it happen to be, but save cbgb day, and that is some good luck for me BOUNCING SOULS GO!..

the souls ripped through a greatest hits set for about 20 mins that included the duder from BAD BRAINS!!! coming out and singing pay to cum, thats right boyo

and what nyc show would be complete without johnny x stopping by:

after they finished up my main lady debbie harry came out onto the stage and a very enthused blondie played 5 or 6 songs, but now heart of glass sadly.

then tina weymouth and that other dude from the talking heads who isnt david byrne came out to talk about how talking heads are touring, but i have since found out it is with out byrne, ummm excuse me, seriously. yeah thats true so fuck that, but they were nice enought to introduce the newly reformed PUBLIC ENEMY!!

sorry its so drak but thats flav and chuck d fo shooo brotha. they only played terrordome and fight the power, but that was all they needed they ripped the place up. that was a good day in the park.
-a few days later (i cant remember the dates i been gone so long) i went to cake shop to check out burmese and the hospitals.
burmese tore some shit up it was insane locust style load records madness. two drummers suckaduck(one used to be in erase eratta)...they screamed and screamed til my anus bled...

i knew the hospitals would have trouble living up to the last time i saw them as John dwyer used to play guitar in the band for a bit, but he has since been busy so the drummer got 2 guitarists to replace him and they were really drum heavy, guitar wall of sound noisy shit, good times.

i saw this poster on the street for a show i missed while gone, i bet it was an awesome good time.

so on 9/9 i went to a show i had bought tix for way in advance. bloc party and the kills @ roseland. i was so psyched for the show and for good reason too, it was my first bloc party show, but like every one else whos picked up silent alarm i havent put it down for months...
the kills kicked it off while i made my way up to the front for some dance awesomness they played most of the new album but there were a few from the first record and i think its safe to say they are still on heroin, a dark snap of vv for you...

but then it was a time to kill, bloc party didnt disappoint in the leat my friends, they were very happy to say that it was thier biggest headlining show ever and they seemed very happy about it because they played for a really long time and i mean really long, two encores the whole album and some b-sides thrown in, american kids and during the second encore they played the answer, it was insane, i hate big shows and this was no excpetion i plowed through so many standing still stiffs, but i think its still funny to do it, because they get all mad like, jeez man i was trying to stand hear and listen but you had to dance and ruin my time standing hear, you inconsiderate spoonlicker! look its picture time:

thats it for this update, but expect the next one tues or weds, itll be the cmj spectacular!!! but as i have been dead forever you probably wont read this part until youve seen both, but hey im gonna try to be the father that i couldnt be before, and ill make it up to you son i swear, ill try not to leave you again, but if it happens just assume im dead and rely on your mother for everything you need.
-i got back and not more than a few days after that i went to the last kimya show in nyc for a while, she is going on european tour and then moving to seattle but fear not she will be back but not until february, it was at cake shop and it was really dark and intimate and i didnt want to spoil the moment by snapping a pic (a feeling i rarely get), but the bands that opened for her that night were so good i went and saw them the next night...
-@glasshouse gallery i saw kickball and mount gigantic for the second day in a row. both had a very kimya audience friendly sound. but not similar to her in any way kickball was super terrific, they played songs that seemed to me like a mix of jawbreaker and guy sung fugazi, sounds good huh, well they are they have a couple albums but the one i got was huckleberry eater and i recomend you check it out dude! eye candy...
after them it was mount gigantic a band co-fronted by every ones other favorite tobey erin, dont worry matt tobey is back there on the skins. what a brother and sister they are, but there are also like 4 other people, im suprised glasshouse had that many inputs, but they rocked out hard core, some screamy, some slow sombery but all exciting, check out thier cult shirts...
japanther rounded out the show with a really short set, but as always it kicked my ass, but they had something to say as well and that was that the glasshouse made all of them pay to play there and in reality it is thier house and if its supposed to be a house party why isnt it. that made the drummer super mad, and i have since found out about the truth and it is that if you want to have a show there is $450 to rent the space for a night. LAME LAME LAME. whatevs i wont stop seeing people there, i just dont see booking in the near future...
-soon after that show i had a day off and decided to head into the old washington square park and what day does it happen to be, but save cbgb day, and that is some good luck for me BOUNCING SOULS GO!..
the souls ripped through a greatest hits set for about 20 mins that included the duder from BAD BRAINS!!! coming out and singing pay to cum, thats right boyo
and what nyc show would be complete without johnny x stopping by:
after they finished up my main lady debbie harry came out onto the stage and a very enthused blondie played 5 or 6 songs, but now heart of glass sadly.
then tina weymouth and that other dude from the talking heads who isnt david byrne came out to talk about how talking heads are touring, but i have since found out it is with out byrne, ummm excuse me, seriously. yeah thats true so fuck that, but they were nice enought to introduce the newly reformed PUBLIC ENEMY!!
sorry its so drak but thats flav and chuck d fo shooo brotha. they only played terrordome and fight the power, but that was all they needed they ripped the place up. that was a good day in the park.
-a few days later (i cant remember the dates i been gone so long) i went to cake shop to check out burmese and the hospitals.
burmese tore some shit up it was insane locust style load records madness. two drummers suckaduck(one used to be in erase eratta)...they screamed and screamed til my anus bled...
i knew the hospitals would have trouble living up to the last time i saw them as John dwyer used to play guitar in the band for a bit, but he has since been busy so the drummer got 2 guitarists to replace him and they were really drum heavy, guitar wall of sound noisy shit, good times.
i saw this poster on the street for a show i missed while gone, i bet it was an awesome good time.
so on 9/9 i went to a show i had bought tix for way in advance. bloc party and the kills @ roseland. i was so psyched for the show and for good reason too, it was my first bloc party show, but like every one else whos picked up silent alarm i havent put it down for months...
the kills kicked it off while i made my way up to the front for some dance awesomness they played most of the new album but there were a few from the first record and i think its safe to say they are still on heroin, a dark snap of vv for you...
but then it was a time to kill, bloc party didnt disappoint in the leat my friends, they were very happy to say that it was thier biggest headlining show ever and they seemed very happy about it because they played for a really long time and i mean really long, two encores the whole album and some b-sides thrown in, american kids and during the second encore they played the answer, it was insane, i hate big shows and this was no excpetion i plowed through so many standing still stiffs, but i think its still funny to do it, because they get all mad like, jeez man i was trying to stand hear and listen but you had to dance and ruin my time standing hear, you inconsiderate spoonlicker! look its picture time:
thats it for this update, but expect the next one tues or weds, itll be the cmj spectacular!!! but as i have been dead forever you probably wont read this part until youve seen both, but hey im gonna try to be the father that i couldnt be before, and ill make it up to you son i swear, ill try not to leave you again, but if it happens just assume im dead and rely on your mother for everything you need.
you're back with my fix, it's been too long, i've been going crazy, i thought i was gonna have to find another pusherman. but who am i kidding, you give me the best shit, you know i come running back.
hey thinking about seeing tortoise on friday - wanna go? oh, and do you know who the metric is.
glad you're back, maybe now the shivers and the scratching will start to subside. i can already feel it running through my veins...dude i can taaaste the music!
> japanther rounded out the show with a really short set, but as always it kicked my ass, but they had something to
> say as well and that was that the glasshouse made all of them pay to play there and in reality it is thier house
> and if its supposed to be a house party why isnt it. that made the drummer super mad, and i have since found out
> about the truth and it is that if you want to have a show there is $450 to rent the space for a night. LAME LAME
> LAME. whatevs i wont stop seeing people there, i just dont see booking in the near future..."
hey - I don't mean to start an argument, but the above is not entirely true.
Japanther and Lev from the Glasshouse got into an argument because Lev wanted Japanther to announce on the mike that the crowd should support the space by buying drinks from the bar instead of bringing in bottles from the outside. Ian is a non-drinker and doesn't feel like it's cool for bands to have to advertise for a bar, so said the opposite - that "people shouldn't buy drinks from the bar" and then he said "fuck the Glasshouse."
You can say that Lev is out of line to bother Ian to advertise the bar, especially in the middle of his set, but I don't know that it's so cool for Ian to actually encourage people not to buy drinks either - or to say fuck the place on the space's stage.
While I don't take any sides in this, I totally agree that bands shouldn't have to advertise for bars if they don't want to, and nobody whould interupt their set for dubious reasons.
I also know that the Glasshouse DOES NOT take $450 from the door for shows done there. I don't know where you heard that, but it isn't true. That number is true of Northsix, tho, so maybe whoever said that was confused. The deal at Glasshouse for most shows is that the bar has to gross $300 or else the door covers the difference. Otherwise the space takes nothing from the door, it just takes the money the bar makes. Since the profit on selling drinks for $3 each is about half, that means they're making about $150 a show most of the time. Say what you will about that, but Glasshouse has rent and utilities to pay and provides a room and a pa system. These things aren't free.
Lev does live at the Glasshouse as a nightwatchman kind of guy - but the Glasshouse is not really a house. Even if it was a house, I don't think it'd be unreasonable at all for a house to try to work out some kind of way to cover their expenses if they were hosting as many things as happen at the Glasshouse. There's a lot of work to do, clean up, dealing with cops, buying stuff, keeping the toilet working, insurance. It doesn't just happen on its own. I've done a lot of shows that were houseparties (many with Japanther) and the houses almost always want some kind of cash from the door or the bar to cover the trouble.
I just hate to see these things represented as so cut and dried - space=bad, band=good kind of arguments. The Glasshouse can be annoying in many ways, but it's basically a non-profit illegal space that hosts good cheap all ages shows, and one that the folks who run it are expending a lot of positive energy - and taking a big risk - to keep open. We don't have another DIY space that can do anywhere close to as many cheap all ages shows as they are. Whatever stupid shit any individual from the Glasshouse may or may not pull, the space deserves at least the little benefit of the doubt about their good intentions.
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