Saturday, July 30, 2005

been gone for such a long time

hey all sorry ive been listed MIA for so long. I have been real busying moving up to greenpoint and have been completely exhausted and without internet every night, but i havent stopped going to shows, well i did skip the dirtbombs last night. but other than that things have been good i guess i stopped at siren which i went to and was unimpressed as many other people have been. Q and not U played and they have never impressed me with thier live show even though i love the records, so i really dont care that much about them breaking up, they have put out some pretty solid albums, dungen was dungen and their set was good, but it was not really the right place for them to play, brendan benson played a good set, but every one was just waiting for spoon, who were great, i hadnt seen them the last time they came through because it was at webster hall. The problem with siren was that they didnt plan far enough ahead and they ended up getting great acts, they got great bands that put out great albums but thier live shows leave something to be desired. i cant even believe that those were the last four bands on the main stage when i stayed at stillwell all last year and the last 3 bands were electric six, mission of burma and trail of dead. that was a fucking show, trail of dead wrecked the place. even if you look at the recap pictures in the voice they look boring, it looked like intonation pulled off and amazing fest to bad it was so far away. heres some (boring)pics:

q and not u
and what happened to the murals behind the stage?


brendan benson


The following monday i hit up the frying pan which is this kick ass boat that is rock docked forever i guess. virgin mobile had this free party there with sparks and rolling rock and i got so sick from drinking like 8 sparks, i wanted to kill myself, but other than that some sweet acts rocked out.

first up was the cloud room who was a great little indie rock act, they were nothing amazing, i couldnt help but admire the place i was at though, the river right behind them, a huge rusty boat next to them.

next was the superstar that goes by the name har mar. he shaved off that mane hes been sporting forever and he rocked his unsexy ass until it was sexy, i like how its just accepted, no one is ever like well hes super unsexy, but he sings really sexy stuff, every one is just like well okay lets listen to him, damn this guys hot. and he rocked in the belly of the boat which was really super fucking crazy rusted out. and there were switches and pipes and valves and knobbs everywhere, shit was intense.

last to play was this band the living things that were like doorsy-brit-rocky but turned up a few notches, they really rocked the night off right, i really dug them a lot and really want to know more about them because i have never heard shit, but some label is obviously trying to push them if they headlined that show, so theyll probably be big soon enough and every one can hear them.

that was all for that show i blacked out on the way home from sparks poisoning and managed to pollish off half a chicken at bbq before the gf lost her wallet, but the police had it the next day so its all alright.


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