Saturday, July 30, 2005

The Last 2 Coachwhips Shows 7/22/05 & 7/23/05 @ Boogaloo Bar & The Dreams Rooftop

I cant say enough about the coachwhips ever. They came into my life less than three years ago and immediatly became my favorite live band. i havent missed them once since the first time. John Dwyer has always surprised me by being super friendly even though he is a notorious dick in the SF scene. I showed interest in the band and he brought me thier first release of which he only had a few copies left and gave it to me for free. its that kindness contrasted with the all out assault of sound that is the coachwhips that make them so amazing. The music is loud and aggressive and unintelligable but the vibe is DANCE MUTHERFUCKER!!! you just cant help it, even when i listen to them i cant help but move around. so when it came around in april that they broke up i was destroyed because the show right before it at mighty robot was probably the best yet. i saw john dwyer when he came as OCS and told him how enraged i was and he told me that they would have to come back to end it all and finally last weekend they did, and my body is still a wreck.
Friday night @ Boogaloo bar saw the band return to an old haunt that i had seen them at 2 winters ago. i couldnt help but remember what happened to me after that particular show, i woke up in the lorimer street L station covered in my own vomit, when i got out it was like 7am. i hoped i wouldnt be such a wreck this time around. Child Abuse played first and they played some instrumental noise rock, but it was tight rather than wondering around. Trin Tran came out of retirement to bring his one man band to a show that needed his brand of of devo-esque synth noise. he plays bass and snare drums with foot pedals, has a mic around his neck, and plays guitar, synth and keyboards with his hands. He is simply wonderful and he doesnt miss a beat, i wouldnt be able to keep up that rhythm its insane.

Due to the fact that Val-tronic was in florida for a double dutch tournament the coachwhips played as the roachclips, they are a cover band, and they also have another guitarist named ian knox. They played well together and brought some covers from bands like the horrors, the gorries, the icky boyfriends, the velvet underground and the kinks. But of course they couldnt just go out like that so john and drummer matt played some classics as a duo. hey fanny, hands on the controls and the alarm to name a few, it set the night on fire and it was so hot i ran out right after, but not before grabbing one of these sweet posters and the setlist. it was a great night only lacking in the swingin grooves provided by val.

On Saturday i raced away from lightning bolt ot make sure i had time to get to brooklyn before the trio went on for the final she-bang, i got to cook street and ran upstairs to the sounds of trin tran delighting the kids, before the moment of truth, the roof was a suprisingly cool atmosphere for a cw show, but it would do just fine in this summer heat, the days events had drained the energy right out of me but as soon as JD started doing that mic check it was like my tank got filled up again, they all set up and the anticipation was a killer, they ripped right into the songs that made them who they are, but sadly val had to quit after about 5 songs because her piece of shit casio finally lived up to its name and broke totally, it seemed fitting, i just wished it was only a half hour later. i was scraped bruised and beaten early in, but never felt the pain until the next morning. john and matt rocked for a half hour playing some songs not oft heard (letter to london, recline recline) and just when i thought it was going to be over they brought ian back and went through thier covers set again before bidding the world adieu and walked away heroes in thier own right. they went out in a blaze of glory rather than the more popular fading away that seems to be the case most times these days. somehow i got the setlist again to complete my collection and after some hearty handshakes i was off again, trying to be happy but not without feeling a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that i would never feel the same again.

Todd P's huge LIC parking lot show 07/23/05

Thank someone for toddp because he gets the shit done, like at least a quarter of the shows i go to are ones that he puts on i cant imagine him not booking awesome shit all the time, so he decided to outdo himself and half a huge ass party in an empty parking lot with tons of awesome noise rock bands. i got there a little late and i missed matt and kim and puttin on the ritz. Talibam was playing when i went in and i got up near them towards the end of the set, a duo boy on psyche drums and girl on fuzzed out bass. it was very free-flowing undulating type stuff, in the vain of Growing. After them Necking played on the otherside of the lot, they have added a bass player (of sorts) he mostly just makes noises into the mic and it adds to the double drum chaos that is Necking.

Growing played right after them on the other side, but i didnt really get up close for them because growing is more something you feel than see. two guys with fuzzed out guitars just outputting waves of sound. Parts and labor played a bit after them. they are always excellent live. they were actually there the first time i saw the coachwhips many moons ago. aww memories.

Aa who ive seen more times than i can count played after them to a huge ass crowd and thats what i feel thier brand of tribal drum rock needs, just more bodies to get energy from and play harder and thats axactly what they did.

(i was behind them)
USAISAMONSTER went on after Aa and they played for like an hour, which wouldve been cool ahd they been something more to my liking, sadly they were not. I just couldnt get into them, it was like grungy noiserock that just wasnt that great, i could appreciate it sure. but due to the length of that set Free Blood only got to play four songs so they could stay on schedule which was lame because any offshoot of !!! is worth a damn to shake that ass and Free Blood totally does that, really good tribalish dancy drum machines and bass and maybe some cowbell for good measure.
Japanther set up in the corner so i got up close for that shit because its rad. they had a little trouble getting through some songs because they kept losing power so their tape machine would go out and they would have to start again from the beginning, it was great, but that wall of people kept coming forward and fell into the drums a few times, but oh well my hands are okay now.

Afrirampo was some crazy japanese psych-rock it was two crazy asain ladies with crazy make up on the guitar and the bass and they both had headset mics and they were making some scary noises and then they started to scream and then it was back to scary noises. a great choice of bands to be on tour with lightning bolt and what a great send off show for them to go back to osaka.

By the time lightning bolt played it was like no one was able to stand let alone get the energy sapped out of them by the rough and tumble drums and bass that was about to pour out on to them. LB played a lot of new stuff or just stuff i havent heard for some reason and they played the hits, i had to skip out a half hour in because i wanted to make it to the last coachwhips show, but as i walked down the street i could hear the sonic assault of wonderful rainbow for blocks.

been gone for such a long time

hey all sorry ive been listed MIA for so long. I have been real busying moving up to greenpoint and have been completely exhausted and without internet every night, but i havent stopped going to shows, well i did skip the dirtbombs last night. but other than that things have been good i guess i stopped at siren which i went to and was unimpressed as many other people have been. Q and not U played and they have never impressed me with thier live show even though i love the records, so i really dont care that much about them breaking up, they have put out some pretty solid albums, dungen was dungen and their set was good, but it was not really the right place for them to play, brendan benson played a good set, but every one was just waiting for spoon, who were great, i hadnt seen them the last time they came through because it was at webster hall. The problem with siren was that they didnt plan far enough ahead and they ended up getting great acts, they got great bands that put out great albums but thier live shows leave something to be desired. i cant even believe that those were the last four bands on the main stage when i stayed at stillwell all last year and the last 3 bands were electric six, mission of burma and trail of dead. that was a fucking show, trail of dead wrecked the place. even if you look at the recap pictures in the voice they look boring, it looked like intonation pulled off and amazing fest to bad it was so far away. heres some (boring)pics:

q and not u
and what happened to the murals behind the stage?


brendan benson


The following monday i hit up the frying pan which is this kick ass boat that is rock docked forever i guess. virgin mobile had this free party there with sparks and rolling rock and i got so sick from drinking like 8 sparks, i wanted to kill myself, but other than that some sweet acts rocked out.

first up was the cloud room who was a great little indie rock act, they were nothing amazing, i couldnt help but admire the place i was at though, the river right behind them, a huge rusty boat next to them.

next was the superstar that goes by the name har mar. he shaved off that mane hes been sporting forever and he rocked his unsexy ass until it was sexy, i like how its just accepted, no one is ever like well hes super unsexy, but he sings really sexy stuff, every one is just like well okay lets listen to him, damn this guys hot. and he rocked in the belly of the boat which was really super fucking crazy rusted out. and there were switches and pipes and valves and knobbs everywhere, shit was intense.

last to play was this band the living things that were like doorsy-brit-rocky but turned up a few notches, they really rocked the night off right, i really dug them a lot and really want to know more about them because i have never heard shit, but some label is obviously trying to push them if they headlined that show, so theyll probably be big soon enough and every one can hear them.

that was all for that show i blacked out on the way home from sparks poisoning and managed to pollish off half a chicken at bbq before the gf lost her wallet, but the police had it the next day so its all alright.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Birthday Boyz, Recovery Period, Bent Outta Shape & S.T.R.E.E.T.S. @ The Cake Shop 07/14/05

So many awesome shows were going on in the city at once last night, it was such a hard decision, but when that happens i most likely go for the basment show, because i prefer a more intimate rocking, i thought i had never been to cake shop before, but it turns out i actually did drunkenly stumble into it once before. Its a nice little bar and show space and the upstairs is a cafe and record store, to bad its smack dab in the middle of the LES, i want to go there less than williamsburg these days, because the hipsters in the LES have to be trust fund babies, there is no way they can afford to live there, at least in williamsburg most people have just sold out to pay for thier apts.

Birthday Boyz were fucking metal, i want to use words like scream-core but i dont want that to sound like a band thing, just a fucking sonic assault that only lasted for about 15 mins but i can understand with the effort those guys put out that they have to stop that shit is intensity in ten cities. I saw them during sound check and the drummer was complaining he couldnt hear the other instruments and im like what the fuck, you can hear them two blocks away.

I missed most of Recovery Period and felt bad because the last song was a nice slowish emoish metal song that still rocked, this trio is on tour so try and go support them so they can make it home.

Bent Outta Shape just get better and better every time i see them, they are just really awesome punk rock with screaming vocals that make you think of springstein screaming his boss lungs out in a basement, the new stuff is really great and they finally started selling it on a tour cdr that is the new full length without the official packagin because its not out yet, the boys just need some scratch for thier us tour so they pass on the savings to you.

S.T.R.E.E.T.S. were fucking intense i had only read about these crazy canadians, but this skate metal brings to mind bands like tragedy and his hero is gone, they fucking rock out so hard, but at the same time its super tight. i couldnt get that close because there were so many fans, probably from the other shows they played while i was gone, i thought i wasnt gonna get to see them but holy fuck i am glad that i did, i got one pic of the guitarist fucking shredding that shit up on the bar.(and it is so fucking impossible to find thier website because it all points to the other streets, grrr!)

Thursday, July 14, 2005

this justin

only because i love you all:

Virgin Mobile and addVice Marketing invite you to
Party at the House of Paygoism
Boat and Pier Party!
@ The Frying Pan
(Pier 63 North River, bet W 23rd & 12th Ave, behind Basketball Center)

Monday, July 18

Live Performances on the Pier and Ship by:
The Living Things
Har Mar Superstar
The Cloud Room

Rock n Roll Karaoke on the boat
Hosted by Ms. Emily "Black Velvet" Gingersnaps & Lil' Care Bear

open bar courtesy of Rolling Rock, SPARKS, and Shakers Vodka 9-11 pm

DJ sets by:
Justine D (Motherfucker)
Steve Aoki (Dim mak)
Josh Madden (Made Clothing)
Same Valenti IV (Ghostly)
International Playgirl

MUST RSVP to by Monday at noon

this boy is back in town

hey all got back from the midwest on tuesday and am just getting over my double pink eye, but ill post more on that later with a review of a surprise show i caught in bloomington indiana as soon as my pix server comes back up. some shits been going down in my absence and somethings need to be talked about.

-Arcade fire- central park summerstage- 9/15 (tix on sale friday)
-Decemberists -webster hall-10/4-10/5
-Bouncing souls- rocks off cruise- 9/22 (benefit)
-White Stripes/shins second show added for 9/25 (tix on sale this weekend)
-NIN, QOTSA, DFA 1979 -11/3- msg (tix on sale sat at 10am)
-Les Savy Fav/Thunderbirds are now! -8/26

now that that is said, i wanted to mention that i dropped by the knit last night to check out grimes tiniest white girl, lady sivereign, and the poor thing said she was puking all back stage and she was very weak on stage which was sad and her dj messed up more than once and that through her off even more, thats to bad it was her nyc debut, but i think we can all forgive and forget and just check out the record or listen her track on the run the road comp on vice.

the plan for tonight is to go check out the show at the cake shop (9pm) w/ bent outta shape, birthday boyz, recovery period, and s.t.r.e.e.t.s. (not mike skinner) (Skating Totally Rules Everything Else Totally Sucks)(best band acronym ever) the sweetest of punk rock to come out of canada and it starts at 9, but even if you dont want to be there and be square you can check out Pay to cum @ palais royale/ double happiness 173 mott st btw broome and grand, the booze startsa flowin at 10pm. so get our there and be clean.

oh and in other sweetness the john dwyer is finally holding to his word and the last 2-3 coachwhips shows will take place next weekend:

Child Abuse
Trin Tran
The Roachclips (The Coachwhips playing your favorite garage rock covers!)

Boogaloo (168 Marcy Ave. Williamsburg Brooklyn)
Subway: JMZ Marcy Stop, L Lorimer Stop
Saturday July 23rd - STARTS 3PM @ PARKING LOT IN LIC


== Lightning Bolt
==== Afrirampo ———————————–> lady duo from Osaka, Japan
====== Aa / BIG A little a
========== Free Blood ———————> members of !!! aka Chk Chk Chk
============ Eloe Omoe
============== Japanther
================ Parts and Labor
================== Growing
==================== Matt & Kim

Talibam . Necking . Puttin’ on the Ritz

28-10 Queens Plaza - OUTSIDE | no phone | LIC, QNS
7/N/W to Queensboro Plaza or E/G/R to Queens Plaza | all ages | $10 | 3PM

–> tickets will ONLY be available in advance starting 7/16 @ EAT RECORDS :

124 Meserole Ave @ Leonard St | Greenpoint, Brooklyn
G train to Nassau or B61 to Meserole | call 718.389.8083 for ticket info


Child Abuse
Trin Tran
The Coachwhips (Last Show Ever!!)

The Dream's Rooftop (210 Cook Street, Bushwick Brooklyn)
Subway: L Morgan Avenue Stop

i cant either we are gonna rock this town, rock it inside out.
-see you out there

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Mountain Goats @ Fulton Parking Garage 07/04/05

Well i almost didnt go to this show due to a dickfaced liar i met at the matador july 4th show (which was good, but i didnt feel like standing in line all day so i just laid out behind the stage and listened instead of seeing malkmus and yo la, but they sounded great). So i went out to fulton mall anyway just in case there was a show got up to the roof and there was a big crowd and after about 20 mins wait time, john darnielle took the stage by storm. He waxed with the crowd about how he never plays solo shows anymore so it was strange for him now, but that was all he used to do. He played a really classic set, some of sunset tree, but mostly older albums, and 3 songs he said he hasnt played since '99. i love the mountain goats a lot, and i can see no way more fitting to take off for a week so, ill be back in 10 days, and until then enjoy the pics and have fun.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

The Shemps, Modern Machines & The Ergs @ Tommys Tavern 07/01/05

After rolling out of bb kings i raced over to greenpoint for the late punk rock show. Sadly i missed lost locker combination and bent outta shape, but it was worth it to see the aquabats. Tommys Tavern is a cool as place, i had never been there before cause its kinda far away, but thier showspace in the back is small and loud and awesome.

The Shemps were pretty hardcore, i got into them without a problem, the front man is tiny, but he packs punch, they blew through a lot of soungs and included a cover of "jenny" that would make tommy tutone pee his pants. and they rocked out a cover of devos uncontrolable urge. See these guys they rock out.

Modern Machines were awesome, just really good driving punk rock. yeah wow, those guys kinda blew me away, i really dont know what to say, they are just having the time of thier lives doing what they do best. Get some mp3s off thier site. do it.

The Ergs have been around the dirty jerz for a while and i have heard nothing but awesome about them, i was really excited to check them out and they rocked it out. they started with a meat puppets cover and it was up and up from there, the night got a bit hazy at that point i know there were some other covers in there, and some really punk rock awesome songs from the power trio. They have a great logo, its the black flag four bars thing, but with jersey outlines in each one. they finished off with a kind of sabbath to pavement jam, and i stumbled home.

The Phenomenauts, The Epoxies & The Aquabats @ BB Kings 07/01/05

My first time at BB Kings, i like the place, the sound is excellent. I expected it to be alot bigger than it was since they always seem to have big name acts rolling through there. I didnt even ask about the beer prices, but that place was stuffed to the gills with kids dying for the aquabats. Since their show at the knitting factory last year got cut short due to the overwhelming amount of heat, the kids were extra-hungry for a good show, and thats what they got.

The Phenomenauts were really great rockabilly to rile up even the coolest of space-communist cowboys. i only say that because of thier red and black motif, they were lots of fun, the superhero style was carried on throughout the whole evening, it was a big new wave devo style show in its entirity made up of little parts of different stylings and the p-nauts did thier part, i wish i couldve seen more of them, but got there late.

The Epoxies play girl-fronted new wavy pop punk, i wasnt overly impressed with them, but i wouldnt say they were bad, i was kind of just in the aquabat mood and wanted to see them asap. They were definately fun and tried to get the crowd riled up, im just being to hard on them.

Then it was time for the main event and boy was it an event. The aquabats brought thier video screens with them this time and projected some awesome stuff while they played and that included the best intro to a band ever, it was a great introduction to a great band, i keep getting older but it seems the aquabats fans all stay the same age, because it sincerely is for the kids to have the time of thier lives. The bats have dropped thier ska end for the straight up new wave awesomeness. It works without a doubt, but i kind of miss it. They ripped through most of the new album and played a fair amount of the old good stuff (super rad, martian girl, chemical bomb, pizza day) There were some super evil villian attack from the likes of white buffalo, zombie mummy, and a very evil cobra that had a smaller cobra for a hand. The cobra actually defeated the MC bat commander and the only way to get him to come back to life was to sing along to a cover of journeys "dont stop believin" (which was lost on about 75% of the crowd, but heaven for me) When they needed to take long breaks they played commercials on the video screens, one was for thier new pudding dispensing utility belts (chocolate is on the back) the other was for a home wellness kit for kids that came witha vics vaporub thing for your feet and a jar of leeches to suck out the sick blood, they were hilarious. and if that werent enough right before they played pool party, some spanish guy got up and proposed to his girlfriend, make no mistakes, THAT IS LOVE. That was a show to be remembered, but most every bats show is, if it all werent enough i found a cadet helmet on the ground as every one was leaving, some poor cadets loss, but my super awesome gain!

Friday, July 01, 2005

been a long lonely lonely lonely...

sorry for the absence me matties been busy this week looking for a new apt due to the absence of shows, but heres the weekend wrap up:

-tonight @ bb kings @ 7:30 the Aquabats! w/ the epoxies and teh phenomenauts
-tonight @ mercury lounge @ 11:30 Home Video
-tonight @ Tommys tavern @ 9pm Bent Outta Shape, The Modern Machines and The Ergs

-Saturday @ Palace Tavern @ 8pm Cause for Applause, Inouk, and tommorows friend
-Saturday @ Knitting Factory @ 11:30 Minibosses (nintendo covers)
-Saturday@ 232 3rd Street, at the corner of 3rd Ave, brooklyn @ 8pm the mountain goats more details @

-Sunday@ Spirit @ 8pm the fever

-Monday@ Battery Park @ 4pm Yo la Tengo and Stephen Malkmus
-Monday @ 300 Livingston St., between Bond & Nevins, Downtown Brooklyn @ 8pm the mountain goats more details @

Have fun and im going on vacation so i probably wont post after monday until the 13th so look it up yourself, and dont miss the s.t.r.e.e.t.s. show and the oxford collapse/ constantines show, have fun!